Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In a new video game your character starts the game with 10 health points (HP).Every time they level up, they gain 5 health points.

                                                                equation:    y=10+5x


Equation:  y=10+5x
                 y= 10+110

Architecture Word Problem

A new hotel/casino/resort is being built. It's total height is 1000 feet above sea level, plus 50 ft for each story.
equation:    y=1000+50x

What would the height be if 60 stories are built?
equation: y=1,000+50(60)
               y= 1,000+3,000
               y= 4,000
If 60 stories were built, the height would be 4,000 ft.

Math is awesomeeeeeee.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

joke of the day

Our joke of the day changes every single day, so make sure you check out our blog frequently to see any changes/ new jokes.

Square Root

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

adding blogs!

Hey guys!!! If you want to be added into our list of  "blogs to visit", comment your group number and we will add you! We hope for you to put us into a blog list as well. If you can't, thats fine.



Hey!  It's Erin, Lauren, and Alice!!!  We are the Geometric Geniuses!  We are here to help make math easy and fun for everyone!  Check out our joke of the day and feel free to post any comments or suggestions.